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编辑:蒲公英日韩语培训学校 热度: 时间:2018-09-05





General in learning Japanese, many of my friends will be the predicate in the sentence will in the end, including the negative form, the past form and so on are put in the end of the expression, it would be easy to caused read-only to half even finished the feeling that in preconceptions to speculate their meaning is the meaning wrong or caused by misunderstanding of sentence meaning.



Japanese grammar, the subject of the omission is very much, plus some of the long sentence, the sentence is very troublesome to understand.


日语自动词和他动词相当于英语中的及物动词和不及物动词,而中文里的每个动词一般都是固定了是自动词还是他动词,可是日语中同一个意思的词汇很多都有自动词和他动词两种形式,所以我们在学习日语语法时就会很容易把其句子中的主词给弄错, 再加上我前面所说的第二点内容中的省略主语和复杂的从句,这样理解其句子就特别的难了。最重要一点就是中日文化差异造成思维方式上的出现很多差异,如果我们不能用日本人的思维方式去理解其文章的内容,那么就很容易造成误解意思的情况出现。

Japanese intransitive verbs and transitive verbs quite in the English transitive and intransitive verbs, and each verb in Chinese are generally fixed automatic word or he verbs, but with a mean Japanese vocabulary many intransitive verbs and transitive verbs in two forms, so I have in learning Japanese grammar will be very easy to put the subject of the sentence to made a mistake, and I said before the second point of the content of Subject Ellipsis and complex clauses, so to understand the sentence is particularly difficult. The most important point is that the differences in the culture of China and Japan have a lot of differences. If we can not understand the content of the articles in the Japanese way of thinking, it is very easy to cause misunderstanding.


1.助词是开门的钥匙 日语每个助词的功能都应该在我们脑子里牢记着,那么我们在阅读的时候可通过助词能够快速地把其句子给解开,二是,在理解语法时要从根本入手,理解其句子意思,发散开来,那么只需要掌握最基本的语法点就可以很准确的牢记并熟练的运用更加复杂的语法了。

Particle is a key to open the door to Japanese each auxiliary function should be in our mind in mind, then we in reading can be through the particle can quickly put the sentences to solve. The second is, in the understanding of grammar to start from the root, can understand the meaning of the sentence, spread out, then only need to master the basic grammar points can be very accurate remember and skilled in the use of more complex grammar.

2.通过助词找句子主干 我们在考试的时候没有太多时间去分析那句是其只要意思,那么全日制日语培训学校就建议大家,如果向把自己所学的指数加以巩固,那么只有多读书了,每天多花一点时间去读去背,更重要一点是多举例运用,每天坚持下来,便不会忘记曾经所学的语法和词汇,同是对语法和词汇的理解还能更加的深入了解,更重要的一点是,将会逐渐养成日本人的思维习惯去解读文章,那么你在读他们的文章时将会更加的得心应手。在在等级考试时,你的阅读速度自然就会比平常快得多。

Insist on down, then we find the auxiliary sentence trunk in the exam without too much time to analyze the sentence is as long as the meaning of the full-time Japanese training school suggests everybody, if to himself the index to be consolidated, and then only to read more books, every day to spend a little time to read to go back, the more important point is a multi use for example, every day, don't forget once learn grammar and vocabulary, the grammar and vocabulary of understanding can be more in-depth understanding, more important is, will gradually develop the Japanese thinking habit to read the article, then you read their articles will be more handy. In the test, you will read more than usual.



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